
Academic Announcements

Methods of Assessment for Fall Q2

Please see the following file to verify the final method of assessment for courses in this quarter.
Method of Assessment Fall Semester 2023 Q2[PDF 63KB]


The Response of Doshisha University Based on the Declaration of a State of Emergency

This is a message from Takako Yamashita, Dean, Graduate School of Business.

Yesterday, regarding Doshisha University's response based on the declaration of a state of emergency [Report No. 14 only in Japanese] was issued and guidelines for university’s under the State of Emergency were presented.

Since it says "In regards to classes at faculties, graduate schools and centers are implemented in a face-to-face style are deemed as appropriate, face-to-face classes will be continued upon thoroughly implementing infection prevention measures", the response to classes is the same as before. As it says "Efforts to prevent the spread of infection and strengthen awareness activities such as placing of temperature check spots and increasing of disinfectant solutions, replacing of cafeteria's partitions and etc.", measures against infection will be implemented more than before.

Therefore, face-to-face classes will be kept at Imadegawa Campus, however, online classes will be extended until May 11 at Osaka Satellite Campus as a decision of DBS's own in consideration of the situation.

It also says, "However, in view of the spread of the infection, there might be some classes that will switch from face-to-face classes to online classes after April 27 (Tue.) during the state of emergency". Faculty members who have a pre-existing condition can switch to online classes even at Imadegawa Campus. It is possible for part-time lecturers to choose online classes in accordance with the guidelines of main organizations. All students should follow instructions of supervisors.

Updated 2021/4/26

Non-circulating Library Materials

Non-circulating library materials (items marked 禁退出) are intended to be viewed by students within the DBS Library and may not be borrowed for an extended period of time. As a rule non-circulating items should be viewed in the DBS Library only.

This is to help make sure that non-circulating items do not go missing and are available for the next student's use. Proper use of non-circulating materials is vital to making sure everyone has access to materials they need for their courses.

In the special case that a non-circulating item is necessary for group work or there is limited study space available in the library it may be possible to make a request to the library staff to view a non-circulating item outside of the DBS Library on a limited basis.

If you find that you have a special circumstance that warrants borrowing a non-circulating item for limited viewing outside of the DBS library please note the following:

  • You must ask the library staff for permission, if granted permission, you must sign the item out under your name
  • Non-circulating items signed out for limited viewing may be viewed in the student lounge, project rooms, or classrooms on KMB 2F only. They should not be taken to other locations within the building and should never be taken outside of Kambaikan.
  • Non-circulating items borrowed for limited viewing outside of the library must be returned during office hours on the same day to the DBS library counter. Please verify office/ reception desk hours when signing the item out.

Be sure to follow the rules closely if you sign out a non-circulating item.

Again, please understand that this system is intended for special circumstances. Non-circulating items are meant to be viewed within the DBS Library.
