Yong Yin

Prior to joining Doshisha in 2014, Dr. Yin taught at Yamagata University since 2002. He is the president of the Asian Association of Management Science and Applications (2013-2014), the executive editor of the Asian Journal of Management Science and Applications, senior editor of the Operations Management Education Review, and the associate editor of the Journal of Japanese Operations Management and Strategy. He is guest professor of several Chinese universities.
- Operations Management
- Foundations for Sustainable management
- Operations Management in Asia
- Critical and Analytical Thinking
- Master Thesis and Research ProjectⅠ・Ⅱ・Ⅲ
Area of Expertise
- Operations Management
- Sustainable Operations
- Flexible and agile organization
- Manufacturing strategy
Representative Publications:
- Yin, Y., Stecke, K. E., & Li, D. (2018). The evolution of production systems from Industry 2.0 through Industry 4.0. /International Journal of Production Research/, /56/(1-2), 848-861.
(ESI Highly Cited Paper) - Yin, Y., Stecke, K. E., Swink, M., & Kaku, I. (2017). Lessons from seru production on manufacturing competitively in a high cost environment. /Journal of Operations Management/, /49/, 67-76.
(Best Paper Award Honorable Mention)
Other Information (e.g., full publications, research, etc.)