Welcome to the Doshisha Global MBA

Professor Mari Iizuka

At Doshisha we apply our university’s traditional emphasis on “education guided by conscience” to the challenges and opportunities of today’s world to provide a business education that will prepare you to manage successfully—and make a difference—in the business environment of the 21st century.

Joseph Hardy Neesima, the founder of Doshisha University, believed that both “intellectual education” and “education of the soul” are needed to make a person a “true man.” In business education this means not just teaching business knowledge, but also helping students develop skills and competencies that will help them apply business knowledge in ways that have a positive impact on society, safeguarding the ability for future generations to develop their lives and careers.

Our location of Kyoto is home to some of the world’s oldest companies and is an ancient center for schools of religious thought and practice that, through processes of international trade and education, continue to influence Western conceptualizations of ‘sustainability’ and ‘mindfulness’ in global management practice. Our Global MBA program is designed to build on these traditions and re-invigorate their relevance to the study of global business and management.

On top of a solid foundation in the core business subjects, you can design a program to match your interests by choosing from a full menu of courses and program options, including our three special focus areas of Sustainability and Green Business, Culture and Creativity, and Business in Asia. You will also build strong leadership and communication skills, and sharpen your ability to think, research, and write analytically and strategically—qualities that employers look for in an MBA. Another unique program feature is the chance to study Japanese, take some classes in our Japanese MBA program, and interact with a range of businesses based in Kyoto and the Kansai region.

If you are looking to advance your career, and to help make the world a better place, then we are looking for you. Come and join us at Doshisha Business School. I look forward to meeting you!

Mari Iizuka, Ph.D.
Program Director